Friday, August 13, 2010

Ramadhan..., A month of reaping blessings

Assalamualaikum WBT..., The Holy Muslim month of fasting -Ramadhan- is here again. This is a month of repentance and full of blessings. It is the ninth month on the Muslim calendar and it is believed that the Koran “was sent down” from heaven during this season.
Ramadhan is a time when a devoted Muslim is expected to concentrate on his/her faith and spend less time on the concerns of his everyday life. It is a time of worship and contemplation.

So lets all of us devote our self to ALLAH SWT..., lets start now..., and lets make this ramadhan a new point for us to change for the better..., Amin..,

Selamat berpuasa kepada semua muslimin dan muslimah..., semoga segala ibadah yang kita lakukan dibulan yang mulia ini akan diterima oleh yang Maha Esa...,

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