Saturday, February 12, 2011

I'm busy with load of works, still I'm watching drama.. :) lol

I've been so busy and tired.., I just begin my internship in school here at Klang., so its been hectic., now only I really know that working life is indeed hard and tiring..., But, well.., life is not a bed of roses, we need to go through a lot of new and difficult things, then only we can learn something new, right? :)

Lately, my only way to fine comfort and to put my mind away from dozen of works was with watching drama.., of course.., as expected from me..,

I've been so addicted with this one particular drama -'secret garden'.., its actually a korean drama., with awesome line of actors and actresses on it.., and hyun bin was so hot and dreamy in it.., hohoho..,

I really really love this drama...., the storyline is so fun, witty and different from other drama that I watched before, its not the same cliche drama with the 'predicted' story line..

Spectacular chemistry between Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won :)


  1. da tgk..da tp aq lgik ska sungkyunkwan scandal n playfull kiss..lawak xkering gusi

  2. sungkyunkwan scandal pon best jgk.., lgpon lead actor is my beloved hubby mr park yc.., so mmg d support gila2.., tp jln citer cliche siket.., still tgk jgk smpai abes sbb sy wife yg loyal., hahaha.., it started with a kiss pulak, tak tau napa annoyed tgk character kang hani.., hehehe... tp citer ni best kn dilo.., sgt2 tak boring and so different from the other drama kn.., and suka sgt2 watak lead actor ^^

  3. perasan..mickey PCY tu aq pya k..*marah ni* nangis kot tme dia tukar soul yg last tu..sedey...wtk laki ni xromantik tp best..sgt lain

  4. eii.., napa pulak nie..,tetiba nk menghancurkan keharmonian rumah yang tak bertangga kawan sendiri.., huhuhu..., xde2.., jgn nk jd org ke-3 k.., hehehe.., lead actor 4 secret garden 2 romantik jgk tp dia xmo tunjuk.., ye kn.., part last skali tukar soul was so touching and sad.., sobs.., tp ending best kn..., aduh..., kiut btol drama nie kan dilo... :)

  5. mna da aq nk gtau btol2 mmg ngan mickey PCY tu..xcya tya dia...hahaha
    tau xpa..sedey..xsgka dia wat cam2 kn demi org yg dia ska..

  6. erm.., xya tanya.., cz kmi kn trust each other...,hehehe and he's been home all time..,skrg pon ada kat sblh nie... hahaha....,
    sedey kn, tp sweet sgt.., dilo cayang i mz u.., bila mo g kl? jgn lupa bgtau aq k...

  7. haha..nsb bek Mickey PCY xfhm bnda kita tulis ni..klu x msti dia kta kita perasan..hahaha
    tu la..igt nk trun kl tme ada pesta tgk ngan psm n plpes skang ni
