1.) I know that I am far away from my family, but for this I am also grateful. Being away from them make me miss them all the time, and I keep telling myself when I am home I will be good to them. Ahh. I am so grateful for my mamy. sisters, abah & ummie. There had done so many wonderful things for me, mamy is really understanding in so many ways. I am grateful for that too. Never did she push me into doing things that I don't like. She trusted me in a way that she knows for the fact that I will never do things that will make her upset. For that, I am content, and just the thought of her make happy and felt bless somehow.
2.) For my sisters, I am indeed so grateful. I used to be displease with my sisters. I always feel that they always try to critisize me in so many way and love to tell me what to do. I need to and need not to do this and that. Sometimes they annoyed me alot. Little did I know, they did all of that for my own sake. They are my guidance in so many aspects of life now. I love my sisters to death, they always try to set a good example for me and for that I am so grateful. For whatever problems that I faced in my daily life, its my sisters that I consult first.
3.) For my friends that always love me just the way I am. The sweet and sometimes not-too-sweet me. The good and sometimes not-too-good me. The food lover and the loud me. For being able to endure me, I am too grateful for that. I am trying my best to be a better person, and somehow with them being around me I think I will be able to.
4.) For my job that pay the bills and support my shopoholic nature. I am grateful. For the very same job that let me do what I like the most and do the best. I am grateful. For being able to do what I like as a career that is truly a pleasure indeed.
5.) For my students that without me realizing teach me a lot about life and the importances of developing one's self. I am really grateful. For being able to share what I know and help them even in a smallest way that I could. I am most grateful.
There are many things that I am grateful for.., to write it here, it seems impossible., countless and countless of them. Syukur Alhamdullillah Ya ALLAH. For everything even the smallest little thing that I might not even realize.
Also I am grateful for my pumpkin, she is really clever, it is really amazing on how fast she learn new things. She will be 4 years old this coming April 26th. She has started to go to kindergarthen
and she just loves to go to school. Kakak, maksu is so proud of you- my little sweetheart. You are so great in so many way. Hail! Princess ilmy :)

For my dearest Izzah, I am way too grateful. She is just so enchanting and every little thing she does make me smile ear to ear. She is pure sweety pie. Everything about her is witty and cute in a very special way. She loves micky mouse so much, she calls him 'Mima'. Gosh, Izzah is just so adorable. I love her so much.

For the new addition to our family - Amny Nur Aafiyah, I am surely grateful. Baby Aafiyah smells really good all the time from morning until night and even to the next morning. Her pluffy cheeks make me want to squeeze them everytime I see her. Aafiyah, be a good baby sister to your two big sisters and be a good daughter to your ibu and ayah k. Lovely baby, maksu will always love you unconditionally. :)

For my two nephews, my heroes - along afiq and abang adik. Maksu is really grateful for both of you, eventhough you are now in the - so naughty phase. Ahh, always sweet as sweet as a candy cane when both of you want someting from me. But most of the time, drive me crazy with they idea and this and that. Still, maksu loves both of you lots and lots and lots. :)
--> I just realize, I have another entri with the same title. :)