Today we have presentation of language based activities for teaching of literature.., its like we have to design an activities that we will conduct in classroom when we teach literature in school later on..., to be true.., i think that it will turn out to be an easy assignment and presentation.., but..., erm.., its not like what i thought before.., its actually more than that and our lecturer is ...., shall i say quit demanding..., yup.., kind of..., we explain to her and the whole class and later she asked question to us.., and we tried our very best to answer.., and from the answer that we gave her, she will later on ask another question.., its like never ending Q&A session.., its kind of kill my mood for the whole day..., and also towards the subject..., which is a big shamed since i always like literature coz i always love to read novel especially YA (young adult) novels. I know this might be shoking to some people.., the fact that i LOVE to read..., but its really true..., :)if i went to bookstore i can really stay there for hours without really realizing that hours had pass by...., that is how huge my love for reading..., i get all excited.., dont know which book to look first and later on i will have a hard time to choose which one that i should buy first..., but lately.., its a bit unfortunate coz i dont really have that much time to read.., but i tried as much as i can to squish reading YA lits to my daily schedule...,

Recently my most fav book is shiver by Maggie Stiefvater.., i dont know how to describe it.., its juz really wonderful.
Perhaps the hardest thing I'll have to do today is find some way to describe the way I feel after reading Shiver. This book drew me in from the moment I laid eyes upon it. The book cover is breathtaking. Even when I opened the first page of the book I was still taken back by how simple and beautiful it was. Yet, I can not judge a book just by its cover. I am not sure I can even find the words to describe how much I loved this book.( Yah i know.., i mention it twice.., how i cannot find any word to describe the book..., indeed i really cant) Shiver gave me an amazing feeling throughout the whole entire book. From the first page to the last page. It put me in a trance, and I felt so much emotion from all the characters. I think the love between Sam and Grace is so beautiful and pure. It probably is one of the best young adult couples I've ever had the pleasure of reading about. I think everyone need to read this book.., and feel what i felt..., its just awesomeness.., cant wait for the second installment of the book.., linger..., which i believe will be release in Malaysia on september 2010...,
Other than linger by maggie stiefvater.., this is my wish-to-read books list:
1) kissed by an angel by Elizabeth Chandler
2)heartbreak river by Tracia Mills
3)Once was lost by Sara Zarr
4)The summer i turn pretty by Jenny Han
5)Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick
Actually i have my longer version of wish-to-read books.., but this is my target for at least the next couple of month.., hopefully i can manage 2 buy and read it all.., plus i still have about 7 e-books that i havent read..., so for now..., i feel content.., since i stiil have books to read.., its always a matter of finding a suitable time to read...
"A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party,
a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors."
~ Henry Ward Beecher
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