Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Just pray to ALLAH.., HE knows everything.., sometimes we don’t need a person to understand.., because a person can be as weak and as broken as us.., but HE.., HE can cure and solve all problems that any of us can't never did… everything happen for a reason, there's always a 'hikmah' behind all the pain and the struggle that we have been through…just believe… and never stop praying…
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Things that make my life worth living
God All Mighty Allah SWT. Families. Friends. My sweethearts. Hearing my favourite song. Lying in the bed listening to the rain outside. Milkshakes. Lilies. Daisies. Giggling. Reading. Laughing at an inside jokes. Laughing at myself. Laughing so much to the point my stomach hurt. Just plain laughing. Waking up and realizing I still have a few hours to sleep. Traveling. Accidentally overhearing someone says something nice about me. Cheese cakes. Sweet dreams. The pretty garden. Making new friends or spending time with old ones. Muffins. Getting out of the bed in the morning after sleeping in and looking out of the window to see its sunny, birds are chirping, and kids are playing.Cuppy cakes. Playing with a new kitten pet. The beach. Getting all pretty. Mocha. Chocolate. Knowing that somebody misses me. Holding hands with someone I care about. Watching the sunset. Watching the sunrise. Mummy's home cooked recipe. Hugging my real life teddy bear-Afiq. Cycling. Eating raw tomatoes and carrots. Taking a beautiful and meaningful pictures. Call home and tell them I miss them. Getting hug from someone you care deeply. Saying I love you. Knowing I've done the right things, no matter what other people think. Hearing I love you from the right person. Eating ice cream and crying to a chick flick. Playing guitar. Receiving roses, daisies or lilies. Making a fool of myself and not caring because I'm having too much fun. Going to the movies. Going to the bookstore. Fridays. Pictures that remind me of good memories. Good memories that I think back to and start to smile.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
another day in school - puppets making day
Yesterday was a puppets making day for my 3 Berlian's class. Since I'm teaching them on the topic of 'fables' now, I asked them to make one puppet using stoking that represents their favorite character in the fables that they had read.
So, its turn out to be like these:

So, its turn out to be like these:
and some of my students with their own creation :
Saturday, April 16, 2011
who says?
I wouldn't wanna be anybody else.
You made me insecure
Told me I wasn’t good enough
But who are you to judge
When you’re a diamond in the rough
I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn’t want to be anybody else
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
It’s such a funny thing
How nothing’s funny when it’s you
You tell ‘em what you mean
But they keep whiting out the truth
It’s like a work of art
That never gets to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won’t let you touch the sky
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
Who says you’re not start potential
Who says you’re not presidential
Who says you can’t be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me
Who says you don’t pass the test
Who says you can’t be the best
Who said, who said
Won’t you tell me who said that
Yeah, oh
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
---> what a fun and inspirational song.., really really love it..,
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Whatever happens in our lives is what’s supposed to happen. That’s what I try to believe, but no one can prove that’s the truth. Life is uncertain. Sometimes it takes you down roads you never ever thought you would go, ones that make you wanna turn around and start over. But sometimes the uncertainty leads you exactly where you need to be; it helps you discover yourself and makes you that much more wise. It can be the worst thing, or it can be the greatest thing. However, the pathways are not put infront of you to follow. They are in your heart; they always have been. Cause at some point, we all have to listen to what our heart is saying. We can try to block it out and forget about it, but sooner or later a day is gonna come where it speaks louder than words. That’s when we need to come to acceptance, gather our missing pieces, and leave the ones that don’t fit. That’s when we begin the journey. But see, we can’t just follow our heart. We have to chase it.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
good changes?
Life had been chaotic lately.., with my lecturer coming to school to observe me and fulfilling other duties, its somehow a bit crazy but I still manage to keep it under control. As we all know.., in life, we juggle so many things at the same time and somehow we adapt into becoming a person with an ability to multitask, I'm not only a trainee teacher and a student.., but I'm also a daughter and a sister.., things happen..., in fact MANY things happen, and what I can do is just take one step at a time and move forward with my life. However, at the same times, there are also many things that I am thankful for.., one of it is my result of last semester subject and term paper were out, and I'm happy to say I manage to pass with flying colours. Syukur Al hamdullilah.
Now that its already in mid april, I'll only have 2 more weeks to go with my practicum in school.., I don't know if I should be happy or sad., but somehow I am more sad than happy.., I love my students very much, they are so bright and sweet.., its seem so hard to part from them. I break the news about me finishing my practicum end of this month to them at my English class today.., and some of them were crying.., a response that were not too surprising coming from a year 3 students- only 9 years old.., yes, my students are as old as my eldest nephew, Afiq. So sometimes I get carried away and treated them just like how I treat my nephew, Afiq. If I forget or get confused by their name, I started to call them sweetheart and dear.., hahaha.., because that is what I usually called my nephews or nieces. No wonder they get too spoil and keep making noises when I was teaching them.. hehehe.., to be true I'm not a strict teacher and I hate to scold or get mad with them. I always want my class to have a positive energy so they can learn in a fun environment. Somehow I am reluctant to end my practicum.., and that is all because of them- my beloved students. But that is life.., it changes.., and I hope it change for good.
Now that its already in mid april, I'll only have 2 more weeks to go with my practicum in school.., I don't know if I should be happy or sad., but somehow I am more sad than happy.., I love my students very much, they are so bright and sweet.., its seem so hard to part from them. I break the news about me finishing my practicum end of this month to them at my English class today.., and some of them were crying.., a response that were not too surprising coming from a year 3 students- only 9 years old.., yes, my students are as old as my eldest nephew, Afiq. So sometimes I get carried away and treated them just like how I treat my nephew, Afiq. If I forget or get confused by their name, I started to call them sweetheart and dear.., hahaha.., because that is what I usually called my nephews or nieces. No wonder they get too spoil and keep making noises when I was teaching them.. hehehe.., to be true I'm not a strict teacher and I hate to scold or get mad with them. I always want my class to have a positive energy so they can learn in a fun environment. Somehow I am reluctant to end my practicum.., and that is all because of them- my beloved students. But that is life.., it changes.., and I hope it change for good.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
in need of scrumptious cakes

Im craving to eat cupcakes or at least NY cheesecake.., these two things are definitely my guilty pleasure, if someone offer me CP or CC.., no matter what, I will never refused..,
because its just yum. yum. yum.
But now I can't really go out to secret recipe.., I'm all tangle up with work.., My last observation is tomorrow.., wish me luck.., and after that, maybe I can treat myself with cuppy cakes or even scrumptious cheesecakes.. ^^
because its just yum. yum. yum.
But now I can't really go out to secret recipe.., I'm all tangle up with work.., My last observation is tomorrow.., wish me luck.., and after that, maybe I can treat myself with cuppy cakes or even scrumptious cheesecakes.. ^^
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
tu m'as menti
Monday, April 4, 2011
for my ummie on her birthday
My ummie has wipe my tears, made me laugh, watched me succeed, seen me fail, cheered me on, kept me going strong and drove me a little crazy at times.., but a mum likes her is a promise that you'll have a best friend forever.., how I miss all the moment that we shared together..,
Happy birthday Ummie.., May ALLAH blessed you with the greatest gift of all --His bless and his compassion.. Amin
Happy birthday Ummie.., May ALLAH blessed you with the greatest gift of all --His bless and his compassion.. Amin
Saturday, April 2, 2011
All in one
wow.., lamanya tak post.., ni semua sebab kesibukan yang tersangatla menjadi-jadi.., dalam tempoh 3 minggu lepas, pening dan busy dengan term paper/thesis = research paper , observation dan kerja yang berlambak-lambak.., haa.., tu la.., jadi lagi cikgu.., ingat jadi cikgu senang sangat ke? Just because you only work for 6hours per day compared to other jobs.., it doesn't meant that being a teacher is easy.. its actually more demanding that what it look like.., especially if you are a trainee teacher- meaning you are still a students at the same time. You are still required to complete you term paper. Hufff.., penat sangat sangat penat.., sampai migrain dan muntah-muntah...., kalau teringat balik detik-dekit 2 minggu lepas.., insaf wooo.., cukup la.., taubat nak wat research lagi.., kalau nak sambung study nanti.., rasanya amik course work je la, tak nak wat research. Lagi-lagi aku pulak in terms of keja tak nak cincai boncai.., nak kena wat bagus-bagus as long as I'm capable of trying my best kan.., lepas tu, asyik-asyik risau, takut-takut lecturer tak accept term paper tu or maybe banyak yang kena edit and re-edit.., adui..., punya la susah.. Dalam taip research asyik-asyik berdebar-debar, sampai makan pun tak lalu.. Bila da hantar dengan lecturer pulak, asyik-asyik call him = my lecturer, and tanya ok ke tak term paper tu.., I think to the point he felt annoyed with me.., huhuhu..
In the end I just told myself that I need to chill, because absolutely nothing good will come out from over thinking things. Now days, I learn to let go things.., i think it is better than trying to maintain control. I actually feels more relief like this.., like I can breath easier. Now my 'mantra' is if its meant to be, it is meant to be..., just let loose and be happy with each coming days. Don't think too much...
since I'm staying in Klang now, there are many place to hang out. So, it is more fun and less stress.., usually me and my hommies went to watch movie and book shopping.., it was so much fun. Last night, all of us plan birthday surprise for Nanako.., neway, happy 23rd birthday Nanako, :) woah.., da 23 thn da.., cheh cheh cheh.., now you are in a age of a young lady blossoming to become a real lady... I wish you all the best in your future undertaking dear., and may our friendship will always be as tight as now..
Last night, after the surprise birthday party for nanako we went to watch World invasion : Invansion of Los Angeles. The movie was fine, but I have to say from the very beginning until the end of it was explosion, gun fired, some kind of alien, marin officer, more explosion, more gun fired and more people dying. That was the whole summarization of it. Maybe not my kind of movie.., I think guys will like this kind of movie more since it is full with action and I have to mention again - full of EXPLOSION. We take pic last night, but I haven't take it from Fatin and Yati. So, I cant upload yet.
Last two weeks pulak, before the school holiday we went and watch Beastly.., and I have to say I love it!I love it! I love it! This is my kind of movie. Alex Pettyfer as always was so fine and great in it. Not just he played the role of the 'handsome Kyle' awesomely but also the 'beast Kyle' greatly. Vanessa Hudgens was also lovely and I like it that the movie stay true to the book as much as possible.

In the end I just told myself that I need to chill, because absolutely nothing good will come out from over thinking things. Now days, I learn to let go things.., i think it is better than trying to maintain control. I actually feels more relief like this.., like I can breath easier. Now my 'mantra' is if its meant to be, it is meant to be..., just let loose and be happy with each coming days. Don't think too much...
since I'm staying in Klang now, there are many place to hang out. So, it is more fun and less stress.., usually me and my hommies went to watch movie and book shopping.., it was so much fun. Last night, all of us plan birthday surprise for Nanako.., neway, happy 23rd birthday Nanako, :) woah.., da 23 thn da.., cheh cheh cheh.., now you are in a age of a young lady blossoming to become a real lady... I wish you all the best in your future undertaking dear., and may our friendship will always be as tight as now..
Last night, after the surprise birthday party for nanako we went to watch World invasion : Invansion of Los Angeles. The movie was fine, but I have to say from the very beginning until the end of it was explosion, gun fired, some kind of alien, marin officer, more explosion, more gun fired and more people dying. That was the whole summarization of it. Maybe not my kind of movie.., I think guys will like this kind of movie more since it is full with action and I have to mention again - full of EXPLOSION. We take pic last night, but I haven't take it from Fatin and Yati. So, I cant upload yet.
Last two weeks pulak, before the school holiday we went and watch Beastly.., and I have to say I love it!I love it! I love it! This is my kind of movie. Alex Pettyfer as always was so fine and great in it. Not just he played the role of the 'handsome Kyle' awesomely but also the 'beast Kyle' greatly. Vanessa Hudgens was also lovely and I like it that the movie stay true to the book as much as possible.

haha.., too cute.., vg and nanako who tried to imitate the poster of Beastly :)

Not much people in JJ that night since it was midnight show, so we played with the 'kete bergerak-gerak kalau masukkan duit'. Dapat la merasa walaupon umur da melebihi had, kalau tak jgn harap coz nanti semua mata memandang.., malam tak de org wat je suka ati.. hehehe..

wow.., punya la panjang entri ari ni, semua crita masuk dalam ni.., all in one la katakan.., balas dendam sebab da 2 minggu tak blogging.., pasalnya byk keja and broadband pon rosak baru-baru nie.., macam-macam.. ok la.., nak siapkan lesson plan, monday ni ada observation lagi. Assalamualaikum...
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